Donna Everhart

First Sentence Friday Begins!

Hello everyone, and welcome back!

If you follow me on social media, you know I’ve been trying to kill time until I could share something (anything) about my new novel, THE SAINTS OF SWALLOW HILL, due out January 25, 2022. Other than a few tiny hints here and there, I’ve certainly gone on about “stuff.” Some interesting, some maybe not so much.

Either way, I can finally get down to business. You’re here, I’m here, and it’s time to get a sneak peek into the book!

While this is quite limited in that I’ll end up doling out thirty-seven sentences over the course of the next few months, I hope to make it interesting by also sharing other things with you about the research behind the story, the setting, the characters, the story itself, as well as do some giveaways. (Woohoo!)

The story is told from the viewpoints of my two main characters, Delwood Reese (Del) and Rae Lynn Cobb. In Chapter 1 you’ll hear from Del first, and Chapter 2 is Rae Lynn and so on.

When we meet Del in this opening chapter, he’s currently working on a farm doing whatever is needed, and he’s happy to have the job. After all, it’s 1932, and the country is three years into the Depression. A few facts about Del: he’s a bit of a wanderer/philanderer, he carries around a harmonica that was his grandfather’s and he calls it “Melody.” He has dark hair, and very pale, blue eyes. I picture him a little bit like this guy. (Ralph Fiennes?)


Now, let’s take a look at the first sentence.


Chapter 1


He’d been working on Moe Sutton’s farm down in Clinch County, Georgia, a few weeks when he and three others finished the day’s work and he’d let it slip it was his birthday.


In other news, you may have seen THE SAINTS OF SWALLOW HILL along with other selected titles are in the Publisher’s Marketplace Buzz Books Fall/Winter 2021 catalogue! If you’d like to read the excerpt, all you have to do is go here to download in the format you choose (Kobo, Google Play, Kindle, etc):

Buzz Books Catalogue Fall/Winter 2021

Don’t forget:

  • Add the book to your “To Read” shelf on Goodreads!
  • Available for pre-orders now! Visit my homepage here and click any of the links there to land on your preferred retailer! (it really, really helps to pre-order!)

Thank you for being here to read along with me!



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