Obviously I’ve changed my theme and with this post on my newly designed site, I thought I’d share the reason why.
Like many writers, I spend about as much time reading about writing as…, well, as writing. More than once, I’ve come across advice which states any social media outlet used should reflect a writer’s work, or at least convey a similar tone.
And so, here it is. Maybe the look of it caught you by surprise? Like maybe the site was taken over by a depraved psycho? I’ll take that as a compliment, thank you. What happened to the friendly, calm green background with the slanty lettered title? No more! The little archaic writing pad resting on the old, graying planks of wood off to the side? Gone!
That was then…, this is now. The last theme and all it’s spinachy, green beany, (maybe it was more like English peas?) coloration and the ancient little notebook wasn’t right anymore. It was too…homey. Sure, it had been great for representing the previous two stories. The first, a coming of age story about an eleven year old girl in Alabama, and the second told of the struggles of a young family in the Blue Ridge mountains during the late 1920’s.
However, green reflected the wrong message for the genre of the third book. All wrong. And it would have been wrong for the next book, and more than likely any book I write from here on out. If the stars line up and behave.
My earlier stories certainly contained some violence – of a different kind. Child abuse, both physical and mental. A drowning, a shooting and maiming in the second. However, when I thought about the current story, it occurred to me (finally) the green blog interface was as good a fit as a pair of too tight shoes. If I wanted to talk about this book a little more, or share an excerpt or something, it would be like viewing the body of a loved one at their funeral with the festivities of a birthday party going on. Imagine our dismay. Or…, (because I love making up analogies), it would be like perusing a bookstore for one of Stephen King’s books – lets say MISERY – and Oh Hell, a pretty pink and white cover jacket with a beautiful white dove floating in a pink sky? What’s up with that?
The only proper color for this book, and any others I’m thinking about is black and gray. Dark, pitchy, murky, and dim. The capture across banner? Well, with that I’m going for mysterious, or maybe even suspenseful. Or maybe brooding. I think it works. I took the picture in Mississippi, just off of the deck at my in-laws house and cut it so it only shows the treeline and a pre-dawn sky.
These are my reasons, and what’s important is…
Like it? Hate it? Is it sending the right vibe?
I’m more of a substance than style guy, so the “look” is perhaps wasted on me. Still, I follow your line of reasoning.
I’m still getting used to it. Not real crazy about the white font against this gray background, although I realize it’s the best contrasting color. How are the ole muscles today?
I’m doing well. Surprisingly well. My thighs are still tight, and I’m sure if I tried running, the IT bands would flare up quickly. Stairs are not longer a painful challenge. I’ll probably try running again this weekend. I have a half marathon coming up in early November!
I recall feeling pretty sore for the first three days. I just posted something to your site about what I’d read after running a marathon. Your current running schedule sounds like it won’t fit the “recommendation” though…. 🙂
I like it! And I’m sure it inspires you.
Yay! Hm. Does the word “yay” fit the new vibe? LOL!
Anyway, yes, it actually does…and lines up nicely with the work.
I have to admit, to me it just looked sleek and the header photo was pretty. I got too used to Goths in Trees, I think, for me to go straight to “broody” simply from grey (plus, every designer on HGTV is currently attempting to turn all the kitchens in the world grey, so perhaps it just makes me hungry …). I do like it, but it didn’t make me think of violence!
My blog could not be further from the usual standards for histfic (parchment, illuminations, cracked plaster and so on), but at the time I started it I hated the “brown” designs (historicals are apparently obligated to sepia tones) so blue bubbles it was. Until it’s agented and someone insists/makes redesign easier and comprehensively preserves *formatting*, inappropriate it shall be. For I am a contrarian, and like it like that. 🙂
Hey, sleek and pretty is fine by me and if I get to the point of discussing the actual work a bit more, maybe it will eventually synch up with the projects and make some sense.
As far as the designing, this was pretty easy to do…although I wish I’d had a few more choices relating to font style/colors, and whatnot. At any rate, here it is, and it’s here to stay… for now.
I picture historic fiction just as you described it – parchment, illuminations… but, like you say, it is what it is for now, and so there! right? 🙂
Very cool, very writery. Love it !
I like “writery!” And cool. And that you love it!
Very nice, looks polished and I love the tag line. “Get lost…here.” Well done.
Thank you, Hank!
That tagline…I hesitated b/c I’m always thinking “how will people take this?” I didn’t want to sound flippant, or like a smartass. Just…IDK. Thoughtful maybe?
Love it! But then, I would.
I knew you, out of anyone, would get it. XO back.