Donna Everhart

First Sentence Friday Finale! Chapter Twenty Eight

This is it, the final sentence of THE ROAD TO BITTERSWEET!ย 

I’ve truly enjoyed doing this again for the second year in a row.ย  I appreciate all of you reading along, and hope I’ve given you enough of the story such that you want to read it!ย  The book releases only four days from today.ย  Be sure to check out my events page where I’m sharing the schedule of bookstores I’ll be visiting, always with the hopes of meeting some of my readers face to face.ย 

Be sure to check back often and thank you all!

And with that…the last sentence.

Chapter Twenty Eight

She said my name again, with less of a hiccup and clearer.

Publishers Lunch BUZZ BOOK Fall/Winter 2017, and a SIBA (Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance) Trio Pick for 2018, THE ROAD TO BITTERSWEET releases December 26th, 2017.ย ย 

***Iโ€™m using #FirstSentenceFridays on Twitter and tagging @Kensington Publishing Corporation.ย  Follow along and tweet out/share if youโ€™d like!***



12 thoughts on “First Sentence Friday Finale! Chapter Twenty Eight”

  1. Awesome last sentence, Donna! And I can’t wait to read your book. Merry Christmas, my dear! <3 <3 <3

    P.S. if I don't visit for a while, please don't worry. Send me a PM or an email if you need me. I'm going into hiding. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thank you, Lilac! I will miss you – I actually wish I could do the same (deadlines!!!), but that ain’t happenin’ with a book soon to be out! “See” you when you return to this little corner of the world. <3 <3 <3

  2. It is amazing how quickly they grow up. I hope you have a Merry little Christmas. Be careful on the road with your promotions. By the way, you should talk to whoever makes your schedule. You are supposed to tour Florida in the winter, not the Appalachian mountains.

    1. Ah, but you presume with… “how quickly they grow up.” Not what you think! Aha!

      I hope you and Kathy do too. And I agree – how’d that happen? Just the way the events got scheduled. We’ll have to see how it goes weather wise. I’ll be coming to Tampa next year for SIBA most like – in September.

  3. Cute last sentence. Love it.
    I got word from Book Depository that my order is on its way, but it has a completely different cover – a blonde girl with her back to the camera and her feet in water. It’s lovely, just different to what I expected after all this time looking at the cover on your blog!
    Can’t wait till it gets here.

    1. Thank you for reading M.A.! I bet you’ll get the book with this cover you’re used to – not the one you saw on Book Depository. I know the cover your talking about though – the girl is in a purple dress? And she’s quite a bit younger looking than 14 – which is how old Wallis Ann is – but that’s very interesting. From what I understand, that was the original cover, but marketing/sales weren’t crazy about it, so they went back to the drawing board and the one you’ve been seeing out here was the one everyone agreed on. I’ll have to go out there and check it out!

  4. Yes, with a purple dress. That’s interesting about the cover’s evolution. How many options did you see, and did you get asked for your opinion along the way? I’ll email you a screenshot of the Book Depository version.

    1. No need to email – I went out to Book Depository and saw it. That’s a definite whoops.

      There’s even more backstory to that cover than what I’ve said. Originally, I only saw the one I’m sharing on my blog. I am asked for input at the beginning. So far what I’ve sent along (i.e. my Pinterest Board with images that strike me for what I’m writing – they’re under the titles for the books) haven’t influenced the graphic artists to do what I have in my head. My editor sends me the covers when finished. He always tells me how it struck sales/marketing, and if they liked it, think it will help sell the book, etc. So I was sent this image here on the blog. Knew nothing about the other one…until one day I happened upon it on the Amazon site. I was surprised needless to say. The other cover pic had been up, and then suddenly, this one was in it’s place. I was communicating with another author under Kensington at the time…and her cover was redone – so I thought maybe they redid mine, but when I emailed about it, that’s when I found out it had been the original and the sales/marketing folks weren’t sold on it. They wanted something similar to the cover for DIXIE DUPREE…but personally I think my stories are tougher/darker than the covers depict, and think the original of this one (Purple Dress) would have reflected the story better – had the model on the cover been older. That’s the long/short of it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I am so excited for the world to receive Wallis Ann and enjoy the saga as much as I did. Happy Book Birthday, Donna! Mwaa!

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