You love…
Solitude. The time to focus. Incredible moments of clarity. Inspiration from others. A great idea. Stories of success. Good advice. Following blogs to learn more from others on the same path. Writing partner/s. Being compared. Beta readers. Followers. A completed sentence. A completed paragraph. A completed page. Typing THE END. Feeling you’ve done your best. Writing.
You hate…
Being interrupted. Useless negativity. Your protagonist. The phone sitting silent. Waiting. That sentence. That paragraph. That page. The story. Typing THE END. Letting it go. Waiting some more. Writing.
You might seem strange because…
You move your lips, speaking in whispers, yet no one is in the room. You stare into space for hours. You act as if you’re listening and then follow up with “what?” You stop in the middle of a store and yank out a tiny notebook to scribble madly. You get excited talking about indie bookstores. You sneak up in the middle of the night to peck out a few more words. You get an idea for a story from a leaf falling to the ground, the sight of an old tobacco shed, a long, dusty, dirt road, a yellow cat missing one eye, and just about anything else on God’s green earth. You write.
You dream of…
Readers who love your work. An agent. THE phone call from an agent. A publisher. Any payment whatsoever. Auctions and preempts. Your book cover. Your words in print. Bookstore signings. Copies selling like the Fifty Shades series. Writing.
Is this you?
Not just yes.
Hell yes.
You reached inside my head and there I was and here I am.
Writers remind me of runners. An eclectic group, but, in many ways, we all want the very same things. I would have loved to have kept going with this particular post, but I think it said just enough.
How did you know? (Except maybe for the writing partner part.)
I used myself as the example… 🙂
The markings of the tribe, yes indeed.
Tribe – love it! Can we all get tattoo’s that say FTF?
I’ll put mine next to the AARP tat on my ass…hahaha…if I had one, a tattoo I mean, I already have an ass.
Ha! I’d want mine to be visible, so I’d have to stare at it everyday.