Can you believe it?
I sincerely appreciate your support, thoughtful comments and shared excitement throughout the last 19 months.ย Thank you from me, and from Dixie.
This is a collage of moments, pictures to capture my journey to publication:
It all began here…(notice who’s website is up…I’d forgot about her other background)
A lot of time was spent here, working at Nortel, going back to school to get my degree, writing THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE until…in March of 2012…
But, the writing continued…below are the completed manuscripts of THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE, THE REDEMPTION OF TRUITT AMES, and A BLACK WATER SEASONย <– the manuscript that would eventually affect my path to publication.ย (–>BLACK WATER was the ms actually on submission when it was passed on, but the lovely editor who would become my editor asked to see something else.ย Note to writers – always have a back up.)
Meanwhile, life changing events happened…I lost “my girls” in late 2012, and my father in early 2015…
Just when I really needed things to look up, in April 2015, THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE sold to
And the process begins.ย I received this package from my lovely editor.

And, after the editing was done, including not only revisions, but copy editing, the book cover was designed by the awesome Art Department at Kensington, a cover we ALL loved.ย Then, along came the ARC’s, like Christmas in the Spring!
I began to do the First Sentence Friday’s in the early summer 2016, when publication was still months away.ย Feedback from the Sales Department indicated booksellers wanted the title of the book highlighted, so the Art Department came up with this design, which we loved even more.
Meanwhile, publicity was working hard to get the word out, and boy did they.ย I found out I’d been invited to the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance (SIBA) a huge trade show for booksellers, sales, and authors.ย It was G.R.E.A.T.!
And in the meantime, the work between everyone from Marketing, to Sales to Publicity was paying off, when THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE started receiving recognition.
And now?
She’s in your hands, dear readers.
I hope you’ll fall in love with my brave little heroine, Dixie Dupree.
Drop me a line …let me know your thoughts!
Congratulations, Donna. P-Day is here at last! Raising my cyber glass of bubbly. You know I loved Dixie and I’m sure everyone else will too. I hope you have an amazing day =)
Thank you so much AJ! I still remember getting that email from you…shivers. And when I go out to Goodreads even now, I see your comments and am so appreciative of your time, and most of all, I’m happy you loved Dixie! That’s me and you having ourselves a virtual toast! ๐
Congratulations! Truly, it’s an amazing journey that you’ve chronicled. Here’s to the beginning of a literary career.
Thank you Stephen! It’s surreal…but very exciting! Thinking I’ll venture out later and see if I can spot her on a shelf somewhere. ๐
Oh, how I love this post! It’s so nice to see the journey that you took. I’m hoping my copy arrives soon. Seems like it’s been on order forever! The first sentences left me wanting to know the whole story! Throwing some warm hugs your way today! Sherry
Thank you, Sherry! I know what you mean about being on order forever…it seems (to me) I’ve been waiting on THIS day forever! I must have had a zillion conversations with folks about WHEN. Today makes it NOW. Yay!
Hot diggity Donna. I have to wonder if it looked like it was taking as long from your perspective as it seemed to be from ours?
I’ll check back later. I have to run down to our best local Indie bookstore, Inkwood Books. Don’t even know if they have her but I can bully them better in person. I will remember to make sure they report to Bookscan too.
Hope she flies to the sun, with a quick stop in Oprahland. I will watch Oprah if you are on it, so keep us posted.
Woo hoo! Right?
Thank you for purchasing – especially from an Indie! I like their name…Inkwood Books. And exactly right…”what? You don’t have the hottest book of the season?” ๐
I don’t know about Oprah, but I’d be happy.
On this wonderful day, which you have worked and waited for, I wish you all the wonder that success spells for you. Ya done good, kid…real good ๐
Congrats !
Many thanks, 2N’s! I’m actually feeling tired as all get out – I think it’s b/c I’ve been on an adrenalin rush all day. Just ate (finally) and feeling a crash coming on… ha! No time for that!
YAY!!!! Congratulations, Donna!!!! I am jumping up and down with you. I wish all of us could get together and celebrate with you (not just virtually). Sending tons of smiles and hearts your way. What an exhilarating journeyโฆcheers! ๐ <3 <3 <3
Me too, Lilac! Wouldn’t that be wonderful??? Thank you for your :)’s, and these too <3 <3 <3. As always, very special to me!
And my copy just arrived! Yay!
If you’re okay with it, I’m just gonna live vicariously through you for a few days. Not sure my clients will be okay with it, but they’ll understand. Wow, I’m so happy for you. Trying to imagine the feeling, but I’m guessing this is one of those things you just have to live through yourself to get a full appreciation.
Enjoy every moment! You deserve it all.
Thank you, John (MS – notice how I capitalized that) Frain! Yep, you can do that – only if you can affect a southern drawl. Can you? Wouldn’t that be interesting for your clients? Better start saying things like “might could,” and “mash the button,” etc. If you need some tips, lemme know.
CONGRATULATIONS, DONNA!! You are now a PUBLISHED AUTHOR. A for-real, bona fide PUBLISHED AUTHOR! My copy is sitting next to me waiting to be read. It’s been a busy day for me so I haven’t had a chance to get beyond the title page and the acknowledgements… but tonight I’ll dig in. Hopefully I’ll get some sleep too… ๐
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, and I hope you go on from success to success with this and future books.
Thanks so much, Colin, you are truly one of my staunchest advocates over at The Reef! I understand the fatigue, it’s been a busy day for you too, and again, congrats on your new home!
I loved sharing the journey, but hearing back from everyone is what has made it all worthwhile. I hope the book will resonate…let me know what you think when done!
Don’t mind me. I’m just gonna wander around here till you start rubbing off on my work, so I’m good and ready for Nano, now less than a week away.
Mash the button? Hmmm … I can tell I haven’t been hanging around here long enough yet. I still have to finish my current read (George Pelacanos) before I jump into Dixie, which I don’t own yet but I will shortly.
If I rub off on you, your stories are subject to morph into southern noir. That could be a really good thing.
Yep, mash the button, and cut the light on/off, might out to, and many others…let me know when you need more to use. ๐
I just finished OVER THE PLAIN HOUSES by Julia Franks. Very literary read.
I got my copy today and read the first two pages – I’m hooked. It’s perfect timing as tomorrow I’m reading exam questions for a special needs student and instead of being bored between essays I’ll now have a great story to immerse myself in.
Congratulations on your awesome achievement Donna. I hope you get to savour the moment.
Mary Ann
Thank you, Mary Ann! (yay, now I know your name). Not sure if you’ve visited Goodreads and checked out the reviews, but I’ll let you know, the book is a tough read in places. That said, I’m glad you’re hooked! I hope you’ll let me know your thoughts when done. ๐
Haha. Yes, the pen name thing is weird. Might be a question for the shark – how and when do you use your first name if you use initials for your pen name?
Anyway, it’s past midnight Sunday here and after a massively busy weekend I just finished reading your amazing novel! Yep, there definitely were parts that were difficult to read and sometimes I semi-skimmed over them, sort of one eye squinting. Dixie is a wonderful character though and I loved hearing the southern US vernacular which is very foreign for me. (Note to self; do a google search for grits – meant to do it after reading The Yearling but then forgot)
Congratulations again Donna. You’ve written a brilliant book with lots of story but also lots of heart. Loved it.
Mary Ann
Thank you, Mary Ann! I say you figured out a perfect way (for some of the more sensitive readers) to get by those rough spots perfectly! (I smiled at you squinting, and maybe sort of cringing too – that’s okay!)
Grits – it’s nothing more than ground corn. Looks a lot like Cream of Wheat (Farina some call it) but a little rougher, and is a breakfast staple down south. Now though, some fix it with shrimp, (called – imagine – shrimp and grits) so, it’s become a supper time thing too. Very good, but it has to be seasoned right otherwise it tastes really bland.
I’m glad you liked the book – I think a lot of “Reiders” have been very curious and now the mystery is over! Yay!
Congratulations! I’m eager to start reading it this weekend. All best for a fantastic launch and a boatload of sales! Oh, and don’t forget to enjoy the process. You’ve earned it! Now breathe… ; )
Thank you Micki! I appreciate that, and I hope you like the book. I’m a little nervous about the launch! ๐ I have no idea how many/who/ or any of that, so, bottom line? I’m taking 5 dozen cupcakes, some water, some wine, and hoping for the best!