One night last week when taking Little Dog out, I did what I always do, I looked up at the sky. Whenever I’m outside, my face is tilted upwards, for no other reason than the fact that I simply like looking towards the heavens. That night, something caught my attention. Clouds. Against pockets of pitch black, floating one after the other, came these odd, gigantic, billowy clouds. Which was kind of strange since they usually don’t stand out so visibly at night.
Normally, we only know they’re there because we don’t see the stars and the moon, or it’s raining on our parade. But, on that night as they passed by, they looked different. I stood for a moment watching until I saw the edges of one cloud growing brighter and brighter yet, until finally, the moon came through like one of those large beacon lights in a used car parking lot. Just as fast as it appeared, it was hidden again, and I ran back inside to get my camera, because to me, it was a remarkable sight.
On my way by the living room, I said to my husband, “hurry, come look at the sky!” (he truly – truly – must think I’m insane)
Let me show you what we saw in case I’ve failed to convey it properly. These are taken in sequence, and do some justice to the view we saw above our heads. The last shot I tried to zoom in and in my haste, I moved – so the picture is blurry. How stunning it could have been.
Despite some fuzzy views , I was happy to capture some of the more impressive pics. About one minute after this display, if you can believe it, there wasn’t a cloud left. They were moving that fast and soon after, the moon continued it’s climb, free of the clouds which sat well off to the east, still visible, but too low to matter.
There is something about this time of year and in the early spring, where we get a lot of contrasting colors that make for memorable sunsets and sunrises too. This is from just last night:
This is what I do when I’m not writing. Pictures. Oh, and baking.
In case you can’t tell, I’m having a bit of a time finding my new topic. I’ve started something and stopped – twice. Before I begin again, I want a solid idea that sticks. An idea that won’t go away as fast as these sunsets, or those clouds. I’ve got the setting – but no story. I’m looking for it every day. And, while I’m waiting for “it” to hit me, I poke around with an inexpensive camera. Snap, snap, focus, snap.
What about you? What do you do when you’re in a lull?
So nice. It has been an awesome moon. I don’t know where you’re located, but here last night was “crystal” clear, crystal because it froze around 9:30. I took my little doggie out and it was slippery and frozen. Love it! And when I disconnect from my writing, I too take photos, read blogs, or shop at a bookstore (the most expensive option of course). “There’s something magical about being around all those bustling characters actively living just behind the covers of those books, waiting for us to peak in on them.”
Oh gosh – slippery and frozen? Ick. 🙂 Too early for me for that, but I do love that I live in an area with distinct seasonal change. (North Carolina.) And talk about change – tomorrow 72, Thursday 50, then 48. So, a bit of a plunge.
The stuff I’ve written thus far has been rather spontaneous and total pantster’ish. This go round, I’m waiting for a more fully baked idea, but it’s eluding me at the moment, so like you I’m doing the photos, reading blogs and books. Oh and baking. Finally mastered a decent homemade pie crust.
Thing is, the longer I go without writing, the more antsy I get -which we all know is not conducive to creativity!
You should submit this post to Skywatch Friday.
I’ve never heard of Skywatch Friday, but I looked it up and it seems like a great idea! Who knew there’d be a “home” for a post like this? Thx Paul.
Beautiful pictures!
Thanks, Nicole!