Donna Everhart

Advance Reader Copy Giveaway!

Would you like a sneak peek at THE EDUCATION OF DIXIE DUPREE?Β  This is your chance to win a signed advance reader copy!


The “contest” starts now (soon as I hit publish!) and goes on until I have three winners!

The first three people to correctly identify what this is pictured below, will win one copy each.Β  I will announce all the winners as an update to this post, as soon as I have three.

How to provide your answer:

  1. Blog Follower?Β  Drop your answer in the comments box for this post.
  2. Following me on my Facebook Author Page?Β  Drop your answer into the comments area there.
  3. Twitter Follower?Β  Send your answer via a Tweet and make sure you use #DIXIEDUPREE.

That’s all!

Oh, and, I will provide a hint –Β  if no one is able to identify this after a day or two.


DIXIE DUPREE Giveaway Secret Pic

Hmmm.Β  Very mysterious.

What the heck is it???

Tell me!


18 thoughts on “Advance Reader Copy Giveaway!”

  1. Face of the beast in ‘beauty and the beast.
    Big congrats on your book Donna!

  2. Well if I answered wrong, I am buying the book! I cannot wait to read it Donna! So proud of you! πŸ™‚

  3. Easy peasy. That’s Burl Ives. After his successful performance as the Snowman in Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, he played the caretaker in Dr. StrangeGlove. From what I hear, his part got edited out, but I never saw the entire movie so I’m not sure. Do you need my mailing address now?

    1. Hee! You nut. Obviously that A-Z challenge has addled your brain.

      Man. I kind of feel bad for making this so hard! I do want some winners!

  4. Omigosh, Donna, how exciting it must have been opening *that* box!

    Wowee, the image is a tricky one. At first I thought of a pandanus nut, but than figured you probably don’t have them in the US. Glad I’m not the only one who is stumped. Trouble with this is that the image will now bug me until I find out what it is!

    1. Ha, no pandanus nuts here, you’re right about that, but we do have a lot of “nuts.” πŸ™‚ Others have said the same thing – the image is bugging them! Wait till you all know what it is. It will be a sort of head slapping moment.

  5. It’s me when I look in the mirror in the morning before I put my glasses on, but how did you snap my photo? (Actually, I like Angie’s answer better.)

    1. Haha, I was about to say, “It’s me in the morning before I’ve had my coffee!”
      But I’m with you, Lynn, and I’m casting a vote for Angie’s answer β€” come on, Donna, send Angie a book! Apart from it being hilarious, you actually can’t prove there’s NOT some such creature living in Trump’s hair. I mean, SOMETHING’s making him the way he is.

      And congrats on everything, Donna, it’s all going great, hey! I’ve not had time to visit here lately, but manage to read most of your blog posts eventually.

      1. Donna should send those ARCs not to me but to the Reef. I’m going to buy a copy at Shakespeare and Co. Make them order two, keep one and sell the other back to them with their stamp on the inside of the front cover.

      2. Hey there, stranger!
        That’s a great argument, I mean really? What’s up in that head of his? I’ve often wondered, and then I get worried, and then I start to drink beer, and then…sheesh.

        Thank you Mr. ipants…it was great how you’d give me a good kick in the pants when I started to go into that “it’s so damn hard, I don’t know what I’m doing,” rant. What’s a writer without a little angst, right? However, your encouragement was always valued, and I appreciate it!

  6. Virginia Martin

    Btw, the contest brought back some very funny memories of the ‘Simon’ contests…I was expecting Pat to chime in at any time! Seems like a lifetime ago – gawd how we’d talk…

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