Why not start off with a bang, right?
Yes, I will select a winner for a copy of THE FORGIVING KIND on Monday! In my announcement post yesterday, I mentioned all you have to do is comment (reply) here, or on my social media sites and share the posts as well. That’s it, you could win a book by simply doing that.
Now to the other reason we’re here – the first sentences of Chapters 1 and 2, ’cause I’m running behind and have to do double duty to get caught up.
There’s so much more to “write what you know.” What does it mean, exactly? What I thought it meant, originally, was that I ought to write stories about the South, because that’s what I know. That’s true. But – I have since learned it also means to write about my own experiences – to USE them in whatever manner I need to add layers of authenticity to a story. There’s some truth to every bit of fiction I’ve written thus far.
Chapter 1
“The only memory I have of Mama, she was on fire.”
Here’s the truth about that first sentence. My mother’s face caught fire once, a memory that’s as vivid as this computer screen I’m staring at. My father was lighting up the grill, and didn’t any have any lighter fluid, so he used – gasoline. (don’t judge) He poured it over the charcoal, and handed the can to my mother. He struck a match, and tossed it and PHOOM! It seems like that was the noise I heard. A sort of whoosh and then she was on fire from her neck up. Maybe it was the hairspray she used, but the fire followed the fumes from the can, and then perhaps the alcohol in the hairspray came next. I don’t know – we’ll never know.
I remember my mother coming home from the hospital with second degree burns, and that I was afraid of her. I hid behind the couch, peeking around the side of it, staring at a face that looked – melted. I think I might have been around three years old. She was fine after a while – didn’t even scar, but it could have really been bad if it hadn’t been for the quick thinking of my father. His actions mimic some of what Jessie’s Daddy does in Chapter 1, but I won’t share that – no spoilers!
Now, on to Chapter 2.
I don’t know about you, but I certainly had self-esteem issues when I was growing up. I was a late bloomer. In junior high (now middle school) picture a young girl with cat eye glasses, short hair (even then!) and the fashion sense of a two year old. You know, lime green flowery bell bottoms with a orange striped top, or something like that. Awkward comes to mind.
My main character, Jessie Sasser is struggling with her identity, and so much more. She’s sixteen years old, and aside from her intense desire to know about her mother, she has developed a health issue brought on by what she’s been a part of, or witnessed thus far in her life. I think the Chapter 2 sentence captures a bit of Jessie’s dry sense of humor, along with her own sense of awkwardness.
Chapter 2
“I stared at my new driver’s license reflecting on how any picture could be worse than my school photo.”
Don’t forget to pre-order a copy of THE MOONSHINER’S DAUGHTER here!
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Thank you for sharing this out! Glad to have you reading along with the first sentences!
Love the title…The Moonshiner’s Daughter. What a great concept. Wow…no gasoline to start fires or BBQ’s for me…Thanks and sharing your post.
I’m glad you like it! Thanks for reading along, and sharing.
Looks like such a good book! I love getting a little preview! Thanks!
Like mini teasers! Thank you for being here!
As a North Carolina native, I love reading books with a North Carolina setting! Looking forward to reading in December! Sure would be a great Christmas gift!
And I love writing them! Three out of the four so far are in NC!
Thanks for sharing. I can’t wait to read it!!
The first half of this year went by in warp speed – it’ll be here before we know it!
Thanks Donna!
Thank you for reading along, Kelley!
I’m so excited for your next book! These opening sentences really pull you in with curiosity toward the fire and immediate concern for a character who mirrors all of our fears and awkwardness at that age. I cannot wait to read this. And the cover is gorgeous!
Thank you, Eldonna! I do love that cover too – quite honestly, it’s even more beautiful in “real” life with lovely yellow and greens, my favorite colors! I’m glad you find the sentences intriguing – some of them coming up I’m like – now how am I gonna write a post about THAT?
I am also from North Carolina and look forward to reading this book. I especially enjoy books by southern women. Like you, I was a late bloomer and dorky in junior high, even high school. Actually, maybe I still am a bit of a dork! The cover is beautiful.
Ha! Well, then us two dorks can unite! I think I’m still pretty much of one too. (you should see me dance) Nice to meet another North Carolinian!
What a powerful opening line for chapter 1–and powerful memory too!
Thank you, Carol! That memory is still very vivid, I’m just glad it wasn’t any worse!
These days, lime green pants paired with an orange striped top would make the runways of Milan. You were just ahead of your time????
Thank you for the opportunity to read your book.
OMG, that is so true! Every time I see one of those runway models wearing the “latest” fashion, I try and figure out, now just WHERE would somebody wear THAT? 🙂
These days, lime green pants paired with an orange striped top would make the runways in Milan.
You were just ahead of your time.
Thank You for the opportunity to read your book.
I was pulled in as soon as I heard about the fire. My brother in law was burnt that way on his arms and part of his face working on one of his cousins cars.. Cannot wait to read more . Love the cover , great choice in colors my favorites yellow and green. Thanks for a chance for a great sounding book from a new to me Author
Hi Marge and welcome! Someone being burned has to be one of the most horrific accidents that can happen. Such devastating injuries, and while they’ve come a long way in helping people recover, I can’t imagine the pain or that process. Thank you for following along!
Sounds like another great book!
I love this story!
Your book sounds most entertaining, love to read the whole thing❤️ Crossing fingers to win your generous giveaway!
Thank you! Adding in a free book seems like a good idea! 🙂
Sounds like a great book.
Thank you, Kerri!
This sounds like a great book. Thanks for the first look! And thanks for a chance to win.